Dr. Lane is licensed to practice as a family nurse practitioner and certified nurse-midwife in both Indiana and Kentucky. Outside of this territory, Dr. Lane's services are limited to functional and integrative consultations, education, and yoga. Primary care services are limited to Indiana clients already active in her practice and clients who reside in Central Kentucky, near the Lexington area. We are accepting new Kentucky clients at this time, but are no longer accepting new primary care clients within Indiana. Certainly though, consultations for functional medicine are welcome. You will need another primary care provider to manage your wellness exams and pharmaceutical therapies if outside her service area. Dr. Lane is no longer catching babies, as a midwife, in any territory.
Dr. Lane did practice in Central Indiana for more than a decade, with multiple clinic locations, so our apologies if your google searches pull up addresses anywhere between Carmel, Indiana to Lexington, Kentucky. We are working with Google to get that cleaned up but creating a new internet footprint takes a little bit of time. Your interacting with our site and social media does help in that effort. We appreciate you!
Care is Offered Virtually & in Your Home
As a midwife, while I did have a clinic for most prenatal and postpartum visits, it was such a joy meeting clients in their own home. This was also super convenient for families with several children; they could play as I talked with mom and dad, or their sibling. Mom could better focus and certainly there was less intimidation for the little one. It also helps families feel more in control, more an equal partner in their care.
As a new Lexington resident, we are still learning the area and not confident where we want to put down our roots. Once we do, I hope to have a really homey space for a few exam rooms, a lounge for gathering, a yoga studio, even maybe some wilderness for yoga and mindfulness workshops. I would be overjoyed if we could even have space for goat yoga, an incredible garden, or even a lake for SUP. Either way, to invest in a clinic at this point would significant increase the practice's overhead and unnecessarily raise fees for clients. Home visits work well, let's me channel my inner Dr. Quinn, and so this will be my primary practice location until the market changes and my clientele-base can support a larger investment. Having said that, most of healthcare really can be offered virtually, including a functional and integrative consultation, nutritional or laboratory follow-up discussions, or even a number of sick-care visits.